Data Standards – Consumer Data Right


The Australian Government introduced the Consumer Data Right (CDR) to give consumers greater control over their data.

Consumers have the right to share their data about them and their use of services with accredited third parties.

Their data is held by the organisation providing the service.

Part of this right requires the creation of common data standards.

Current sectors

The Consumer Data Right is currently operational in the Banking and Energy sectors.

Data Standards

The Data Standards for the Consumer Data Right (Consumer Data Standards) allow the Accredited Data Recipient and the Data Holder to exchange the consumer’s data safely using information security best practice.

The Data Standards make sure Data Holders provide data in a consistent form that Accredited Data Recipients can use.

Technical standards

The Consumer Data Standards specify technical standards such as REST APIs, data schemas and security measures.

These standards are used and implemented by participating Data Holders and Accredited Data Recipients.

For technical information, visit the Consumer Data Standards

Consumer Experience standards

The Consumer Experience (CX) standards specify requirements and provisions for consumer-facing content and interactions, like data language, authentication and accessibility.

For consumer-facing requirements, visit the CX standards

Consumer Experience guidelines

The Consumer Experience (CX) guidelines supports the standards with examples on how to implement key requirements and recommendations.

The Rules require CDR participants to have regard for the CX Guidelines. 

For open-source assets, prototypes and compliance support, visit the CX guidelines

Binding data standards

Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Data Standards (No. 1) 2023

The Data Standards Chair executed Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Data Standards (No. 1) 2023 on 23 February 2023. It was published on 27 February 2023 and commenced on 28 February 2023.

Update: executed versions uploaded 27 February 2023

Open consultations

For the latest consultations, visit the Data Standards Body Standards repository